Program Outcomes
B.Ed. Program: B.Ed. Program is a set of twelve theory courses and practical work that are linked together meaningfully aiming at achieving excellence and competence in pedagogic practices and enabling the student teacher to become an efficient and effective school teacher. The said program will end in awarding a degree Bachelor of Education.
After completion of the B.Ed. program, the student-teacher will be able to…………
- Acquire conceptual tools of sociological analysis and hands-on experience of engaging with diverse communities, children and schools.
- Apply knowledge of various aspects of the development of learners for planning learning experiences.
- Develop skills regarding the various roles of teachers in facilitating learning.
- Develop a conceptual understanding of issues of diversity, inequality, and marginalization in Indian society and the implications for education.
- Apply constructivist and cooperative learning principles for the teaching-learning process.
- Analyse contexts and the relationship between school curriculum, policy, and learning.
- Apply knowledge of the cultures, policies, and practices that need to create an inclusive school.
- Use information and communication technology for enhancing the learning-teaching process.
- Use drama and art for the development of personality of learners.
- Relate knowledge about gender, school and society with learning.
- Acquire basic understanding about new trends in education.
- Develop professional attitude towards teaching.
Course Specific Outcomes
Course 1: Childhood and Growing Up
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-explain concept and stages of growth and development.
– bring out relationship between development and environmental factors.
– elaborate developmentally appropriate learning opportunities based on brain research.
– explain relationship of development with learning.
– organize activities according to different roles of learner.
-organize appropriate programs for development during later childhood and adolescence.
-design educational experiences for differently able learners.
-explain concept of adjustment and causes of maladjustment.
Course 2 Contemporary India and Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-comprehend the clear picture of present Indian society
– understand the current problems in Indian Society.
– understand and express the role of a teacher and education in the social reformation.
– understand the importance of social values and their inculcation through education.
-understand the basic concept of education and its process.
– think critically regarding the aspects of education as a system and their interrelationship
– think and express the philosophical perspectives of education.
– understand the role philosophy in realizing the goals and objectives of education.
-understand different concepts from educational sociology.
– understand the relevance of democracy with education.
– comprehend the importance of national integration and international understanding.
-understand the role of Universalization of School Education.
– understand the Idea of the common school’ system.
Course 3 Critical Understanding of ICT
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-describe the changing pattern of education due to ICT.
– explain the challenges in integrating ICT in school education.
– explain the software and its uses in Education.
– apply the ICT strategies in Teaching-Learning process.
-explain the meaning and characteristics of computers.
– operate various hardware devices.
– explain the software and its uses in Education.
– analyse the teaching-learning as a communication process.
– apply the ICT strategies in the Teaching-Learning process.
– use of ICT in Teaching-Learning – explain the concept, need & uses of the internet and intranet.
-explain the role of teacher and student in teaching, evaluation, educational management, Classroom Environment & Infrastructure
– comply with the changing role of teacher due to ICT
Course 4 Learning and Teaching
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-explain the concept of learning – explain types of knowledge and processes of knowing.
– elaborate stages of teaching.
– develop insight into various roles of a teacher.
-compare various views on human learning.
– consider various roles of learner and teacher for planning of various learning situations.
– elaborate principles of constructivist and cooperative learning.
-teaching – assisting learners to think inductively.
– assisting learners to attainment concepts.
– assisting learners to organize/ structure information logically – assisting learners to empathize with others.
– facilitate information processing.
– organize learning experiences to develop reasoning and problem-solving.
– develop self-learning skills – plan for developing Creative thinking.
– apply psychological principles for obtaining positive transfer of learning.
Course 5 Language across Curriculum
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– Discuss the basic nature and characteristics of language.
– Explain the importance of phonetics of the language.
– Elaborate relationship of language with society, culture, literature – Explain the significance of basic principle of linguistics.
– Discuss place and importance of mother tongue, verbal intelligence.
– Explain the place of language in personality development.
– Discuss the impact of ICT on language and English on mother tongue.
– explain the place of language and centrality of language in the school curriculum.
– discuss the Constitutional provisions and policies.
– describe importance of language in every subject education.
– explain the correlation of language with other subjects – discuss the Issue of medium of instruction and Semi English medium for Science.
– apply various methods of teaching in transaction of content.
– explain the importance of four basic skills.
– apply different techniques to enhance teaching learning transaction of language.
– discuss various ways of enriching vocabulary.
– explain functional purposes of learning language.
– explain the characteristics of language teacher.
Course 6:1 Subject Education: English Language Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the nature and structure of English Language.
– express the importance of English Language as a means of communication.
– develop insight into major concepts, principles, perceptive and features of English Language at school level.
– analyse features and principles of curriculum development of English Language.
Course 6:7: Subject Education: Mathematics Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the nature and structure of Mathematics.
– state the aims of Mathematics education.
– plan for imbibing values through Mathematics teaching.
– elaborate on skills, competencies and commitment required for becoming a mathematics teacher – write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– analyse features of existing curriculum of Mathematics in the light of NCF 2005 and principles of curriculum development.
– establish correlation of Mathematics with other subjects.
Course 6:8: Subject Education Commerce Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the nature and structure of Commerce.
– understand the aims of Commerce education.
– write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– establish correlation of Commerce with other subjects.
Course 7:1: Subject Education: Book keeping and Accountancy Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the nature and structure of Book Keeping and Accountancy.
– understand the aims of Book Keeping and Accountancy education.
– write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– establish correlation of Book Keeping and Accountancy with other subjects.
Course 7:2: Subject Education: Economics Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the nature and structure of Economics.
– understand the aims of Economics education.
– write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– establish correlation of Economics with other subjects.
Course 7:3: Subject Education Geography Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the meaning, definition, nature and structure of Geography.
– understand the aims of Geography education.
– plan for imbibing values through Geography teaching.
– write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– analyse features of existing curriculum of Geography in the light of NCF 2005 and principles of curriculum development – establish correlation of Geography with other subjects.
Course 7:4: Subject Education History Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-Elaborate the nature and the structure of History and political Science Education.
– Explain aims of History teaching.
– Plan for imbibing values through history and political science.
– Explain changing concept of History and political Science Education teaching.
– Write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– Analyse features of existing curriculum of History and politics Education in the light of NCF 2005 and principles of curriculum development History and Political Science Education at secondary school level.
– Understanding and explain Constitutional Vision for a Democratic India The making of the Constitution of India.
– Establish correlation of History with other school subjects and life situations.
Course 7:5: Subject Education: Social Science Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the meaning, definition, nature and structure of Social Science.
– understand the aims of Social Science education.
– plan for imbibing values through Social Science teaching.
– write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– Analyse features of existing curriculum of Social Science in the light of NCF 2005 and principles of curriculum development – establish correlation of Social Science with other subjects.
Course 7:6: Subject Education: Science and Technology Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– explain the nature and structure of science.
– understand the aims of science education.
– plan for imbibing values through science teaching.
– write instructional objectives of teaching of a topic.
– analyse features of existing curriculum of Science and Technology in the light of NCF 2005 and principles of curriculum development – establish correlation of science with other subject.
Course 8: Assessment for Learning
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-use assessment in constructivist paradigm for various purposes.
– gain critical understanding of issues in evaluation practices.
– become aware of key concepts such as, measurement, evaluation, test, examination, formative and summative assessment – construct and use appropriate tools of evaluation.
– critically analyse various examination reforms in India.
– give suggestions for improving quality of questions in exam papers.
– use ICT in examination.
– analyse and interpret data for drawing inferences.
– use various types of feedback for improving learning.
– develop and maintain a comprehensive and consolidated learner profile.
– Critically analyse impact of the prevailing examination system.
– Evaluate impact of examination-driven schooling.
– Evolve realistic, comprehensive and dynamic assessment procedures that are able to keep the whole student in view.
Course 9: Knowledge and Curriculum
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– Describe epistemological bases of modern child cantered education
– Justify changes in education due to advancement in ICT and educational psychology.
– Relate constitutional values with education.
– Explain educational implications of nationalism, universalism, secularism, multiculturalism, multilingualism
– Describe the role of NCERT, SCERT, SSC/ CBSC /ICSE Boards and Text book Bureau
– Explain the determinants of curriculum development
– Select and develop the proper learning resources.
-explain the Concept, meaning and nature of knowledge cantered society.
– explain the Concept of culture and modernity.
-relate constitutional values with education.
– explain educational implications of nationalism, universalism, secularism, multiculturalism, multilingualism.
– justify changes in education due to advancement in ICT and educational psychology.
– explain the concept of curriculum.
– distinguish hidden and enacted curriculum.
– explain various dimension of curriculum.
– compare between curriculum, syllabus and textbook.
– use different approaches of curriculum development.
– elaborate process of curriculum development. – describe the role of NCERT, SCERT, SSC/ CBSC /ICSE Boards and Text book Bureau – explain the determinants of curriculum development.
– explain teacher ‘s role in curriculum transaction.
– select and develop the proper learning resources.
– elaborate the process of curriculum evaluation and renewal.
Course 10: Creating an Inclusive School
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-Become aware of legal provisions and policies about inclusive education in India
– Explain causes characteristics and special needs of children with physical, mental, economic, cultural diversity and learning disability.
– Orient parents and peer group for support.
– Use cooperative learning strategies in class.
– Collaborate with support teachers.
– Apply learner friendly evaluation process.
– explain causes characteristics and special needs of children with physical diversity.
– explain causes characteristics and special needs of children with mental diversity.
– explain causes characteristics and special needs of children with learning disabilities.
– explain causes characteristics and special needs of children with Socio-economic-cultural and emotional diversity.
– describe infrastructural changes required for inclusion of diverse students.
– explain support services for inclusive education.
– maintain records in inclusive set up.
– explain application of technology in inclusive education.
– involve community resources as a support – orient parents and peer group for support.
– explain the procedure of pre-assessment development.
– develop individual education plan to cater special needs of students.
– use cooperative learning strategies in class.
– collaborate with support teachers – apply learner friendly evaluation process.
Core Course 11: Gender, School and Society
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
-Describe issues concerned with women
– Suggest remedial measures to overcome constraints to education of women
– Understand various social reform movements in India with respect to women
-Design learning experiences for gender sensitization and women empowerment
– Organize training and counselling for various personnel regarding gender equality and women empowerment.
-explain concepts of gender, sex, feminism and gender bias.
– describe issues concerned with women.
– explain recommendations of various commissions and Abhiyan regarding women education.
-explain constraints in the socio-political system regarding women empowerment.
– explain constraints to education of Women in India.
– suggest remedial measures to overcome constraints.
– explain concept and dimensions of women empowerment.
– become aware about various social reform movements in India with respect to women – explain relevance of provisions in constitution for gender equality.
– explain role of school in gender equality and women empowerment.
– analyse and develop school curriculum with gender equality perspective.
– design learning experiences for gender sensitization and women empowerment.
– organize training and counselling for various personnel regarding gender equality and women empowerment – develop oneself to become change agent.
Optional course 12:1: Peace Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– discuss the philosophical, sociological basis of peace education
– explain the need for peace education – discuss the role of family, community, media and school in peace education.
– describe qualities of peace educator.
– acquire essential qualities as a peace educator.
Optional course 12:2 Guidance and Counselling
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– discuss the tools for information collection for guidance.
– describe role of a school and teacher in guidance.
– describe types and process of counselling.
– locate issues of adolescents requiring counselling.
– elaborate the meaning, need, importance and sources of career information
– discuss the date gathering techniques for career.
– describe the concept of occupational information.
– discuss qualities, skills and ethics of counsellor.
– explain the role of counsellor & importance of career counselling.
– consider various factors in counselling.
Optional course 12:3: Sustainable Development
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– relate human development with nature.
– narrates programs for sustainable development by Government and NGOs.
– relate energy crisis with depletion of natural resources.
– suggest various ways and means for sustainable development.
– implement various curricular and co-curricular activities for sustainable development.
– explain the concept of Sustainable Development.
– elaborate the concepts of ecosystem and ecological balance.
– explain origin of the concept of sustainable development.
– compare the concepts of sustainability in various fields.
– relate human development with nature.
– narrates programs for sustainable development by Government and NGOs.
Optional course 12:4: Human Rights Education
After learning this course, the student teacher will be able to-
– elaborate the Universal declaration of human rights.
– develop various teaching strategies for human rights education.
– evaluate the role of educational institutions and NGO‘S in human right education
– explain the issues and challenges of RTE.
– explain origins of Human rights.
– elaborate the Historical context of Human Rights.
– explain the Concept of Human Rights.
– explain the Need and Importance of human right in Contemporary context.
– compare various types of human rights.
– elaborate the Universal declaration of human rights – bring out issues and challenges towards human rights.
– explain the concept of Human rights education.
– elaborate the aims and objectives of human rights education.
– evaluate the human rights education at secondary and higher secondary levels.
– use Constructivist and Interdisciplinary approach.
– develop various teaching strategies for human rights education. – to evaluate the role of educational institutions and NGO‘S in human right education.