Sr. No. | Activity | Month |
01 | Meeting with Criterion in-charges for NAAC peer team visit preparation | June |
02 | Meeting of IQAC Committee | July |
03 | NAAC peer team visit &
FDP for teachers on OBE |
August |
04 | Submission of AQAR year 2023-24 | September |
05 | Meeting of IQAC Committee | October |
06 | Communication Skills Development Workshop for first-year students | November |
07 | e-content development training for teacher
Workshop for Alumni on TET/CTET |
December |
08 | Meeting of IQAC Committee | January |
09 | Expert lecture on IKS | February |
10 | Faculty orientation on new system of Accreditation | March |
11 | Internal Audit by IQAC | April |
Policies & Procedures
- Internal assessment and grievance redressal policy (add File)
- Green campus policy (Add file)
- ICT policy (add file)
- SNDTWU CHETNA policy (Add file)
- Internal Audit policy