Criteria – 2 |
Teaching Learning |
Sr.N0 |
Metric ID |
Deviations Details |
PDF Folder |
1 |
6.2.3 |
Implementation of e-governance are in the following areas of operation |
2 |
6.3.2 |
Percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend seminars / conferences / workshops and towards membership fees of professional bodies during the last five years |
3 |
6.3.3 |
Number of professional development /administrative training programmes organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the last five years. |
4 |
6.3.4 |
Percentage of teachers undergoing online / face to face Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs) viz., Orientation Programme and Refresher Course of the ASC / HRDC, Short Term Course and any other similar Programmes |
5 |
6.4.2 |
Funds / Donations received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists averaged over the last five years (not covered in Criterion III) (INR in Lakhs) |
6 |
6.5.3 |
Average number of quality initiatives taken by IQAC or any other mechanism for promoting quality culture during the last five years. |
7 |
6.5.4 |
Institution engages in several quality initiatives such as |